Business Merchant Cash Advance
Getting additional funding for your business is quick, simple and stress-free. We are committed to helping businesses of all sizes get the financial backing they need. With Smart Business Funding at your side, you can utilize our Merchant Cash Advance options to help grow your business to success.

Merchant Cash Advance Process
You or a financial expert from your organization fills out a brief business funding application and sends it to our team along with bank statements of the business over the last three months.
Our team will review the information you have provided. Generally, most inquiries get approved within a matter of hours.
Receiving your new funding from Smart Business Funding can take 24 hours or less! If there are no hiccups in the application and qualifying stages, we can get the funds to you within 24 hours after approval. Our goal is to get your business funds into your hands as fast as possible. We will work with you to make sure that happens.
Paying back the Merchant Cash Advance can be spanned across a few or many months, depending on your agreement. On average, Merchant Cash Advances can extend between 3 and 24 months based on various credentials and information. In order to fully reimburse your funding, Smart Business Funding captures a daily or a weekly amount towards paying back the advance.
Frequently Ask Questions
A : There is no reporting to any credit reporting agency.
A : Businesses are typically eligible for renewal as soon as they are 50% paid back.
Get The Funding You Need Today
Businesses of all sizes are encouraged to contact us about our Merchant Cash Advance options or apply for a Merchant Cash Advance today! Funding from Smart Business Funding that backs your business to help it grow can be the difference between an average business and one that succeeds and surpasses competitors. Contact us today to learn more!